dimanche 17 mai 2015

jeudi 1 janvier 2015

tsu " the king of social network" that pays you .

so her's the link to sing up in tsu :


so here 's some more information about tsu :

Have you heard about Tsu yet? Tsu is a new invite only social network that is trying to shake up the current social media model and I think it’s worth telling you about it. It’s stated aim is to pay the users of the network for using it and will only retain 10% of advertising revenues for the upkeep of the network. The network only just launched on the 21st of October but already some users are sharing screenshots showing hundreds of dollars in the bank, not too shabby.

So, how does Tsu work? From a hands on point of view Tsu a simple enough social network – you post, like, share and comment on what you and others share. You can follow or friend people with the difference being that those you follow will only see what you post publicly whereas friends will see everything you post. Seemingly there is a limit of 1,000 friends and followers – I’m not near that total yet so can’t say for certain.

vendredi 19 décembre 2014

Intel détaille ses futurs Core M Broadwell gravés en 14 nm

Intel vient de livrer quelques détails relatifs aux futurs processeurs Core M basés sur l'architecture Broadwell et gravés en 14 nanomètres qui devraient débarquer sur le marché à temps pour les fêtes de fin d'année. Le fondeur promet qu'ils permettront de concevoir des machines entièrement passives de moins de 9 mm d'épaisseur. 


jeudi 18 décembre 2014

Les commande gnu/linux les plus importante

voici le lien pour les telecharger :


Telecharger dev c++ .

voici le lien .
